Why Pivotal BI

Pivotal BI provide consultancy services for Data Analytics and Business Intelligence. Our Data Analytics Consultants understand the technology, processes and pitfalls that come with data projects. We believe in offering value for money in all we deliver. No padding, bulking out of teams or simply overstating the problem, we consider ourselves different from what you may have experienced with other operations.

At Pivotal BI we partner with cloud data analytics providers and pride ourselves on our level of understanding of all aspects of the data services consulting work we do. After all, it is this understanding that helps ensure success. Here’s a little more about what we bring to the table:

Microsoft Partner

As Microsoft Partners, we are able to provide our clients with insight and solutions relating to the various cloud-hosted and on-premises services offered by this major player. The broad selection of technologies on Azure provides leading capabilities at scale in the data analytics space.

As Databricks Partners we help our clients realise their modern data strategy using the data engineering, data science and analytics capabilities provided by the universal platform of choice for for today’s data citizens.

Achilles Network Silver Plus

As a member of the Achilles Network we have been certified against their Supply Chain Risk Management framework, demonstrating Environmental, Social, and Governance as well as procurement regulations compliance to meet our clients’ obligations and goals.

Crown Commercial Service Supplier G Cloud

Offering our services through the Crown Commercial Service G-Cloud ensures that we are working to agreements that are designed to meet procurement regulations for public sector buyers, simplifying the buying process and providing guidance for engagements.

Azure Solutions Architect

Microsoft Certified Azure Solutions Architects are experts in designing cloud and hybrid solutions that run on Microsoft Azure, including compute, network, storage, monitoring, and security, having gained advanced experience and knowledge across a broad range of IT operations.

Databricks Certified Developers specialise in the architecture and implementation of data engineering using this unified analytical platform. With all areas covered from Streaming to Batch, Graph DBs to Machine Learning, this is a powerful offering for modern data processing.

microsoft professional program big data

The Microsoft Professional Program in Big Data provides a deep level of understanding of batch and real-time data processing platforms. This includes using Azure managed data services and open source systems such as Hadoop and Spark.

Microsoft Certified Azure Data Engineers possess the skills and knowledge to design and implement the management, monitoring, security, and privacy of data using the full stack of Azure data services to satisfy business needs.

certified scrum master

Certified Scrum Masters are Scrum Alliance approved Agile specialists who understand the processes, benefits and pitfalls involved with Agile development. At Pivotal BI our understanding of Agile on data services projects ensures a streamlined delivery.

microsoft professional program data science

The Microsoft Professional Program in Data Science encompasses all areas of Data Science, including Machine Learning principles, Mathematics, Programming and Ethics. This provides an in-depth understanding of the subject and the benefits of its application to Business data.

Interested in our Data Services?

To find out more regarding any of the above, please email us, give us a call or use our enquiry form via the button below.